2021 Summer Camp Photos

2021 Summer Camp Winning Design Challenge Videos
This year, the challenge was for the students to design a Rube Goldberg Machine to turn blue water clear.
They were asked to use the concepts they learned at camp that week and create a short video.
They completed amazing videos in less than one week while working in groups, but from their own homes.
The winners were:
Morning - Group 3
Andy Deng - Merival High School
Zenan Liu - White Oaks Secondary School
Sanaa Mahmud - Martingrove Collegiate Institute
Alyssa Scocco - Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts
Stephanie Yan - Dr. Norman Bethune Collegiate Institute
Afternoon - Group 5
Mannat Mannat - Harold Braithwaite Secondary School
Michael O'Reagan - North Toronto Collegiate Institute
Bella Semeniuk - Danforth Collegiate Technical Institute
Achilleas Petropoulos - Oakville Trafalgar High School
John Voudouris - Upper Canada College
The winning videos are below, enjoy!